warming caused by greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide emissions in the
atmosphere, as well as rising sea levels, pollution, environmental
degradation, resource depletion and energy dependence are of
major concern.

Continuous and massive emission
of green house gas
significant surge in urban population all over the world, on the order
of 5 billion people, will be living in cities by 2030, as established
a U.N. report released in June 2007.
than half of the total emission of greenhouse causing gases is produced
by massive urban daily migrations ( i.e. automobile exhausts),
supplemented by home and commercial heating and air conditioning
sprawl and functionally segregated zoning causes:
- massive
emissions of CO2;
- the waste of time through daily commuting;
- social and cultural isolation.

Unsustainable urban sprawl
development at River Oaks, Houston, Texas

The SCP city dwellings open on a garden or conservatory on all floors,
with a variety of urban functions in each block, as an alternative to sprawl
Sustainable urban form with passive solar stepped duplex dwellings
in a dense mixed use urban context (plaster model - JL Msika)